M. Szpakowski "Review of Painting 01" in DVblog, 18th April 2011 [available online]
M. Szpakowski "Review of Arlene" in DVblog, 8th April 2011 [available online]
M. Szpakowski "Review of Map 2b" in DVblog, 8th March 2011 [available online]
G. Gibson (ed) Blueprint No. 187 September 2001
M. A. Hunter “Utopia, maps and ecstasy: Configuring space in Barrie Kosky's 1996 Adelaide Festival” Australasian Drama Studies, 44, 36-51. 2004
L. van Schaik “Ruins of the Future” in Transition Issue 52/53 1996
D. Jackson (ed.) “Radar: Culture: Architectural Action in Adelaide: Ruins of the Future” in Architecture Australia March/April 1996 Vol. 85 No 2 [available online]
L. Schwendinger & M. Kramer "On The Edge Down Under" in Public Art Review Spring/Summer 1996 [available online]
Review ABC Television, Australia 25 March 1996
Imagine SBS Television, Australia 8 March 1996
G Foreman (ed.) “The Ruins of the Future” Monument No 12 1995/96
S Neille (ed.) “Wagga Wagga” in The Architect Summer 1995 Vol. 35 No 3
D Bromfield “On Show” in The West Australian 21 May 1994